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A water supply company charges the water consumption, as follows:

a) Fixed amount of 10$.
b) For the first 30 cubic meters 0.6$/meter.
c) For the next 20 cubic meters 0.8$/meter.  
d) For the next 10 cubic meters 1$/meter.  
e) For every additional meter 1.2$/meter.   

Write a program that reads the water consumption in cubic meters and displays the bill.
寫一個輸入水的用量 輸出水費的程式

Example Input:



Cost: 25.00

Example Input 2:



Cost: 39.20

Example Input 3:



Cost: 72.00


[Exercise] Coding (C) - asked in Chapter 4: Expressions by (12.1k points)
ID: 26465 - Available when: Unlimited - Due to: Unlimited

edited by | 9.9k views

91 Answers

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Hidden content!
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
* ** * ** * **** * ** a;
**** * ** * **** *** * * * * ** * * ** * * ** *
** * * *** * ** *** ** * * (a<=30)
* ****** ** *** * * *** * * * * ** * **** *** * ** * %.2f",a*0.6+10);
* ** ** ** * * ** * ** if (a<=50)
** *** * * * * **** * ** *** ***** * * ** ** ** ** ** *** * * *** **
* ** * * * * ** ***** ** if(a<=60)
** ** * * * * * * ** ** * * ** * * ** * *** * * * %.2f",34+(a-50)*1+10);
* *** * * ********
**** * ***** * *** ** ***** * * ** * ** * * * * * *** * * * ** * *** *** ** *
* * * * * * *** ** * 0;
answered by (-108 points)
0 0
Case 0: Correct output
Case 1: Correct output
Case 2: Correct output
Case 3: Correct output
Case 4: Correct output
0 0
Case 0: Correct output
Case 1: Correct output
Case 2: Correct output
Case 3: Correct output
Case 4: Correct output
0 like 0 dislike
Hidden content!
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
** * *** * * ** * ** * * a;
* *** ** * ** ** * *** ** *** * * ****
    if (a<=30)
*** * **** * *** ** * * * ** * * * * * ** * ** * ** ** *** *** *
* ***** ** ***** **** if (a<=50)
* * ** *** * *** * * * ** * **** ****** * *** * * *** * * * * ** **** *
** *** * *** * **** *** * if(a<=60)
** * * ** * * *** * * *** * ** * * *** * ** ** * * ** * * * * *
** ** **** * *** ** *
** ** * * ** **** ** ** ** * * * ******* ** * *** ** * ** * ***
** ** ** ** * * * * 0;
answered by (-108 points)
0 0
Case 0: Wrong output
Case 1: Wrong output
Case 2: Wrong output
Case 3: Wrong output
Case 4: Wrong output
0 like 0 dislike
Hidden content!
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main()
*** * *** *** **** * x;
*** ** ****** * *** * * ** ** ** * * ** *** *
* **** * ** * * **** * **** ** **** ** * *******
* * * ** * * ** * * * ** * %.2f",x*0.6+10);
* **** *** * * ** * * *** * * *** * ** * * * * ** *
*** *** ** * * * * * * * * * * *** *****
**** *** * * * * ** *** *** * **** * *** ** *
******* * ** * * * ** ** ****** * * %.2f",(x-50)*1+44);
** * * * **** *
* * *** *** * ***** * * * * *** * * **
* * *** * * ** *** 0;
answered by (-498 points)
0 0
Case 0: Correct output
Case 1: Correct output
Case 2: Correct output
Case 3: Correct output
Case 4: Correct output
0 0
Case 0: Correct output
Case 1: Correct output
Case 2: Correct output
Case 3: Correct output
Case 4: Correct output
0 like 0 dislike
Hidden content!
#include <stdio.h>
#include * *** * ***** *

int main()
* **** * * ** * *** * ** a,b=10;
** * * * * ** ** ** *** *** * * * ** * * **

* * * * * *** ****** * * ** * ******
** * * ** ** * * * *** **

* * *** * * * ** **** if(a<=50)
* *** ** **** ***** * **

* **** ** * ** * **** ** if(a<=60)
* ** * *** * * ** **** * * ** * * * **** * * ** *

** *** **** **** **
* * * * * ********* *** ** * **** *

**** * ** * * * **** * %.2f",b);
return 0;
answered by (-127 points)
0 0
Case 0: Correct output
Case 1: Correct output
Case 2: Correct output
Case 3: Correct output
Case 4: Correct output
0 0
Case 0: Correct output
Case 1: Correct output
Case 2: Correct output
Case 3: Correct output
Case 4: Correct output
0 like 0 dislike
Hidden content!
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main()
* * ** **** ***** * ** a,b=10;
** ** * * **** * ******* * **** *** * * **

* ******* * * *** * ** * ** ****
* *** * * * ** * *** * * * * * *

* ** * * * * *** * *** if(a<=50)
*** * * * ** ****** ** *** * * * *

** ****** ** **** **** if(a<=60)
*** ** * * *** * ** * **** ***** * * * ** * *** **

* * * * * * * ** * ****
* * * **** * * **** ** * ***

* * * ** * ** ** ***** * ** ** * * * ** ** **
return 0;
answered by (-127 points)
0 0
Case 0: Wrong output
Case 1: Wrong output
Case 2: Wrong output
Case 3: Wrong output
Case 4: Wrong output
0 like 0 dislike
Hidden content!
#include <stdlib.h>

int main()
** * *** * ** x;
* ** ***** **** * ** * *** ** ***** * * ** *
** ** ** ** ** *** * * *** ** * *** *** ** ******** * * *

* **** * * ** * * ** *** * * * * *** ** * * * ** * * * ** * %.2f",x*0.6+10);

*** *** **** *** * * * * * ** * * * **** ** * ** **

** * *** * **** ** **** ** * ** * * * ** %.2f",(x-30)*0.8+28);

**** * *** **** *** ******* **** ****** ** * ** * * *

*** ***** * * ** ***** * * * * * **** **** *** * ** * ** %.2f",(x-50)*1+44);

* ** *** ** * *** ** *

* *** ** * * * ** *** * **** *** ** * * * * * ** %.2f",(x-60)*1.2+54);

* ** ** * ** * * * **** * *** 0;
answered by (-498 points)
0 0
prog.c: In function 'main':
prog.c:6:5: error: implicit declaration of function 'scanf' [-Werror=implicit-function-declaration]
prog.c:6:5: error: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function 'scanf' [-Werror]
prog.c:6:5: note: include '<stdio.h>' or provide a declaration of 'scanf'
prog.c:9:9: error: implicit declaration of function 'printf' [-Werror=implicit-function-declaration]
         printf("Cost: %.2f",x*0.6+10);
prog.c:9:9: error: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function 'printf' [-Werror]
prog.c:9:9: note: include '<stdio.h>' or provide a declaration of 'printf'
prog.c:13:9: error: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function 'printf' [-Werror]
         printf("Cost: %.2f",(x-30)*0.8+28);
prog.c:13:9: note: include '<stdio.h>' or provide a declaration of 'printf'
prog.c:17:9: error: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function 'printf' [-Werror]
         printf("Cost: %.2f",(x-50)*1+44);
prog.c:17:9: note: include '<stdio.h>' or provide a declaration of 'printf'
prog.c:21:9: error: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function 'printf' [-Werror]
         printf("Cost: %.2f",(x-60)*1.2+54);
prog.c:21:9: note: include '<stdio.h>' or provide a declaration of 'printf'
cc1: all warnings being treated as errors
0 like 0 dislike
Hidden content!
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
**** ** ***** * ** * * a,b=10;
** * ** ** *** *** ** * ** ** * * *
** ** * * ** * **** * * ***
* ** ****** * **** ** *** * * * ** ** **** ** ***
****** * * * * *** * ***** if(a<=50)
* * * ** * * ** * * * ***** ** * * **** * *
    else if(a<=60)
*** *** * * * ** * ** * * ** * *********** * ** *** * **
** * * * ** ** * ***
****** * ******* ***** * * *** ******* ***** * ** ***
** *** * ** * * * * ** %.2f",b);
* ****** * * * * * ** 0;
answered by (-255 points)
0 0
Case 0: Correct output
Case 1: Correct output
Case 2: Correct output
Case 3: Correct output
Case 4: Correct output
0 0
Case 0: Correct output
Case 1: Correct output
Case 2: Correct output
Case 3: Correct output
Case 4: Correct output
0 like 0 dislike
Hidden content!
#include <stdio.h>
#include * ** *** * **

int main()
* * * ***** **** *** * * * * a,b=10;
** ***** *** ** * * * * ** * ** * **** *

* **** * * **** ***** * ****
** ** * * * ** * * * * *

* * **** * * ** ** if(a<=50)
* **** * ** * * *** ** ** *

* * * ** ** *** ** *** * * if(a<=60)
** * * ** ** * *** ** * ** * ** ****** **** * *****

*** * **** * **********
* * * * **** * ** * ** ***

** * * ** ** ******* **** * * **** %.2f",b);
return 0;
answered by (-127 points)
0 0
Case 0: Correct output
Case 1: Wrong output
Case 2: Wrong output
Case 3: Wrong output
Case 4: Wrong output
0 like 0 dislike
Hidden content!
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main()
* * * **** * * * ** ** * a,b=10;
*** * *** * * ** *** * * ** ** ** * ***

** * *** * * ** * ** * ** **** * *
* * * **** * * **** * *

*** * ** * ** * * * if(a<=50)
** ** ** * * * *** *

* ** * ** * ** ** * if(a<=60)
****** ** * * * ***** * * *** * *** * ** ** **** **** *

* * * ***** ** * ** ** **
* * **** * * * *** ** * * *

* * * * * * *** *** ** ** *** ** * * ***
return 0;
answered by (-127 points)
0 0
Case 0: Wrong output
Case 1: Wrong output
Case 2: Wrong output
Case 3: Wrong output
Case 4: Wrong output
0 like 0 dislike
Hidden content!
#include <stdio.h>

int main(){

** * ** * ** ** * * a,b,c,d,e;

** ****** ** ** ** * ** **** ** *****
****** * * *** ****
* ** *** ** * * * * ** * *
***** ***** ***** ** * * ** *
***** * * *** * * *** **** **

* * ** * * *** ****** *** ***** ** ***
*** ** ** * * * ***** *** * * * ***** * ** %.2f",b);}

* ** ******* * * ** * * * *** ***** ** && a>30){
** * * ** * ** * ** * * *** ** ** * *** * %.2f",c);}

* * * *** * ****** * ** * * ** *** * * * *** * * * * * && a>50){
**** * * * * *** * * * ** * **** * ********* ** * * %.2f",d);}

* * *** * * ** ** * * ** ** * *** * **
** * ******* * ** * * ***** * * * * ******** %.2f",e);}

* * * **** ** * * * * 0;

answered by (-301 points)
0 0
Case 0: Correct output
Case 1: Correct output
Case 2: Correct output
Case 3: Correct output
Case 4: Correct output
0 0
Case 0: Correct output
Case 1: Correct output
Case 2: Correct output
Case 3: Correct output
Case 4: Correct output
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English 中文 Tiếng Việt

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