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415 瀏覽
  1. Create a project.
  2. Divide the program (progtest.c) into several files. You do it according to each function. For example, progmain.c, area.c, peri.c, and show.c. progmain.c is the main program. It will call area() function in (area.c) and peri() function in (peri.c).
  3. Write a header file to define macro definitions and prototypes of functions.
  4. Execute the main program.
  5. Compress the whole project into a file and upload it.
/* progtest.c, an example of a large program */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>   		/*  math.h  */
#define PI 3.1416
double area(double r);
double peri(double r);
void show(double r);
int main(void)      		/* main() */
   return 0;

double area(double r)	/* area(),compute the area of a circle */
   return (PI*pow(r,2.0)); /* pow(r,2.0), compute square of r */

double peri(double r)     /* peri(),compute periphery */
   return (2*PI*r);   

void show(double r)     	/* show(),shwo radius */
   printf("Radius is %5.2f, ",r); 

To upload a file:


[考試] 最新提問 分類:Midterm |
ID: 24272 - 從幾時開始: 無限制 - 到幾時結束: 無限制
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Welcome to Peer-Interaction Programming Learning System (PIPLS) LTLab, National DongHwa University
English 中文 Tiếng Việt


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[考試] 最新提問 4月 13, 2017 分類:Midterm |
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[考試] 最新提問 4月 21, 2017 分類:Midterm |
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[正常] 最新提問 4月 21, 2017 分類:Midterm | 用戶: thopd (12.1k 分)
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[考試] 最新提問 4月 21, 2017 分類:Midterm |
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[考試] 最新提問 4月 21, 2017 分類:Midterm |
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