Journal Papers
- Lai, C. H.* C. H., Chu, C. M., & Chen, C. H. An Examination of Online Discussion Quality of STEM-based Instruction. Journal of Internet Technology. (Accepted)
- Chen, S., Chang, W. H., Lai, C. H. & Tsai, C. Y. (2014). A comparison of students’ approaches to inquiry, conceptual learning and attitudes in simulation-based and microcomputer-based laborites.Science Education. 98(5), 905-935. (SSCI, IF: 2.382, sub-category rank: 8/219)
- Lai, C. H.* Chen, F. C., & Yang, J. C. (2014). Exploration of tensions in a mobile-technology supported fieldtrip.International Journal of Distance Education Technologies. 12(2), 104-117.
- Lai, C. H.*, Lin, C. Y., Chen, C. H., Chen, S. F., & Gwung, H. L. (2014). The association between college students’ Internet usage and interpersonal relationships.Journal of Internet Technology. 15(4), 671-678. (SCI, IF:0.481, sub-category rank: 104/131)
- Lai, C. H., Yang, S. P., Yen, A. C., & Chou, C. G. (2014). SMS and Emails as class reminders to assist subject learning. Journal of Computers. 24(4), 22-30. (EI)
- Lai, C. H., & Gwung, H. L. (2013). The effect of gender and Internet usage on physical and cyber interpersonal relationships. Computers & Education, 69, 303-309. (SSCI, SCI, IF: 2.775, 5-year IF:3.305, sub-category rank: 7/216)
- Wu, Y. T., Hou, H. T., Hwang, F. K., Lee, M. H., Lai, C. H., Chiou, G. L., Lee, W. Y., Hsu, Y. C., Liang, H. C. Chen, N. S. & Tsai, C. C. A review of intervention studies on technology-assisted instruction from 2005-2010. Educational Technology & Society, 16(3), 191-203. (SSCI, IF:1.171, 5-year IF:1.505, sub-category rank: 46/216)
- Lai, C. H.*, Chen S. A., Hsiao, F. S., & Chen, S. (2013/July). Scan & Learn: Exploring Application of Dynamic Quick Response Codes in Digital Classrooms. Bulletin of the IEEE Technical Committee on Learning Technology, 15(3).
- Lai, C. H., Chu, C. M., Luo P. P. & Chen, W. H. (2013). Learners’ acceptance of mobile technology supported collaborative learning. International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation. (IJMLO, Accepted)
- Lai, C. H.*, Lin, C. Y., Chen, C. H., Chen, S. F., & Gwung, H. L. The association between college students’ Internet usage and interpersonal relationships. Journal of Internet Technology. (SCI, Accepted, IF:0.481, sub-category rank: 104/131)
- Lai, C. H.*, Chen, F. C., & Yang, J. C. Exploration of tensions in a mobile-technology supported fieldtrip. International Journal of Distance Education Technologies. (EI, Accepted)
- Lai, C. H.*, Yang, S. P., Yen, A. C., & Jhou, C. J. SMS and Emails as class reminders to assist subject learning. Journal of Computers. (EI, in press)
- Lai, C. H.* , Chu, C. M., Liu, H. H., Yang, & S. B. An examination of game-based learning from theories of flow experience and cognitive load. Journal of Distance Education Technologies. (EI, Accepted)
- Wu, Y. T., Hou, H. T., Hwang, F. K., Lee, M. H., Lai, C. H., Chiou, G. L., Lee, W. Y., Hsu, Y. C. Liang, H. C. Chen, N. S. & Tsai, C. C. A review of intervention studies on technology-assisted instruction from 2005-2010. Educational Technology & Society. (SSCI, Accepted)
- Li, W. Y., Tsai, C.-C., Wu, Y. T., Tsai, M.-J., Liu, T. C., Huang, F. K., Lai, C. H., Liang, C. C., Wu, H. C., & Chang, C. Y. (2011). Internet-based science learning: a review of journal publications. International Journal of Science Education. 33(14), 1893-1925. (SSCI)
- Lai, C. H.*, Yang, J. C., Chen, F. C., Liang, J. S., & Ho, C. W. Mobile Technology supported experiential learning (2009). International Journal of Instructional Media, 36(1), 41-53.
- Lai, C. H*., Yang, J. C., Liang, J. S., & Ho, C. W. Web-based learning passport—Concept and implementation (2009). International Journal of Instructional Media, 36(2), 207-219.
- Lai, C. H.*, Yang, J. C., Chen, F. C., Ho, C. W., & Chan, T. W. (2007). Affordances of mobile technologies for experiential learning: The interplay of technology and pedagogical practices. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 23(4), 326-337. (SSCI)
Conference Papers
- Lai, C. H.& Tho, P. D. (2017, July). Design and Evaluation of Question-generated programming learning system. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Learning Technologies and Learning Environments (LTLE2017). Hamamatsu, Japan.
- Lai, C. H.& Tho, P. D. (2016. Nov.). Development of a Programming Learning System Based on a Question Generated strategy. In Workshop Proceedings of the International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE2016). Mumbai, India.
- 賴志宏、高碩呈、陳冠瑜(2014, 5月)。手機成癮相關議題之文獻分析。2014 全球華人計算機教育應用大會(GCCCE2014)。上海。
- Lai, C. H., Peng, W. J., Chen. W. H., & Lin, R. M. (2013, Nov.). The effect of Learning Community for Learning Community for Game-Based English Learning. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE2013). Denpasar Bali, Indonesia.
- Lai, C. H., Lin, Y. L., Chiang, C. L., & Chen, G. Y. (2013. May). Enhancing astronomy education by using augmented reality. In Proceedings of the International Conference for Science Educators and Teachers (ISET). Pattaya, Thailand.
- Lai, C. H., Lin, C. Y., Chen, C. H., Gwung, H. L., & Li, C. H. (2012, Nov.). Can Internet usage positively or negatively affect interpersonal relationship? In Proceedings of the International Computer Symposium (ICS). Hwalien, Taiwan, R.O.C.
- Lai, C. H., Liu, H. H., & Chu, C. M. (2012, Nov.). Impact of game-based learning upon flow experience and cognitive load.In Proceedings of theInternational Conference on Innovation in Education (ICIE). Bangkok, Thailand.
- 陳錫安&賴志宏(2012, 10月)。動態QR Code電子書包教學輔助系統。2012 台灣數位學習發展研討會(TWELF 2012)。台南,台灣。
- Lai, C.H., Lin, C. Y., Gwung, H. L., Chen, C. H., & Liang, J. S. (2012, Aug.). The Association between Internet Usage and Internet Addiction among College Students: The Gender Difference. In Proceedings of the International Conference of Educational Innovation through Technology (EITT). Baijing.
- Chang, Z. H., Yang, S. P.*, Lai, C. H., Liu, J. J, Liang, J. S., & Yen, A. C. (2011, Nov.). Can instant message agent enhance foreign language learning? In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE2011). Chiang Mai, Thailand
- 張至豪、王子源、賴志宏*、劉蓁蓁(2011年10月)。即時通訊代理人對外語課程學習成效影響之實證研究。台灣數位學習發展研討會。台北福華會館,台北,台灣。
- Lai, C. H., Luo, P. P., Liu, H. C., & Liang, J. S. (2010, Dec.). Can E-mails as Reminder Enhance English Learning on the English Learning System? (2010, Dec.) In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE2010). Putrajaya, Malaysia.
- 張至豪、楊舜博、賴志宏(2010年6月)。即時通訊代理人為基礎之英語學習服務遞送平台。數位內容與虛擬學習研討會。國立屏東教育大學,台灣。
- 周成駿、賴志宏、嚴愛群 (2010年6月)。應用手機簡訊與電子郵件結合英語課程之模式初探。數位內容與傳播應用學術研討會。世新大學,台北,台灣。
- 羅珮萍、賴志宏(2010年6月)。以電子郵件強化線上英語學習系統。數位內容發展學術研討會。大同技術學院嘉義校區,嘉義,台灣。
- 劉旨峰、蔡元隆、張瑜芳、賴怡君、宋燕捷、賴志宏 (2010年6月)。教育部落格社群之社會網路個案分析。全球華人計算機教育應用大會(GCCCE 2010)。 新加坡南洋理工大學:新加坡。
- Yen, A. C. & Lai, C. H. (2010, March). Learning light via LMS: Innovative strategies for a B-learning literature class. In Proceedings of Mobile and Ubiquitous Technologies Enhanced Learning Conference. Kaohsiung, Taiwan (UbiLearn2010). 64-72.
- Luo, P. P., Yang, S. B., Lai, C. H., & Liang, J. S.(2010, March). Development and Evaluation of Mobile Learning System for Collaborative Learning. In Proceedings of Mobile and Ubiquitous Technologies Enhanced Learning Conference. Kaohsiung, Taiwan (UbiLearn2010). 139-144.
- 龔慧玲 & 賴志宏(2009年12月). 大學生網路成癮者的網路使用行為、人際關係、學業成就、健康狀況與金錢管理之文獻探討。2009年資訊科技應用學術研討會。中國科技大學,新竹,台灣。
- Luo, P. P. & Lai, C.H. (2009, October). Mobile technology supported collaborative learning in a fieldtrip activity. In Proceedings of Technology Enhanced Learning Conference (TELearn 2009). Taipei, Taiwan.
- 蔡宜芸,賴志宏&林俊瑩(2009年9月)。探討教師資訊態度與社會需求對數位化教學之影響。第五屆台灣數位學習發展研討會(TWELF 2009)。國立台南大學,台南,台灣。
- Chen, F. C, Lai, C. H., Yang, J. C., Liang, J. S. & Chan, T. W. (2008, March). Evaluating the effects of mobile technology on an outdoor experiential learning, In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Wireless, Mobile and Ubiquitous Technologies in Education (WMUTE2008). Beijing, China. 107-114.[EI]