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Suppose we have the following two points in a 3D space:

The distance between point1 and point2 is:

Please create a ThreeD class to calculate the distance between two 3D points.



  • Write three public functions to Point class to get the value of X, Y, and Z
  • 建立三個public函數為讀取X,Y,Z的值

Example input:

1 1 1
2 3 4

Example output:

Distance is: 3.74166
[正常] Coding (C++) - 最新提問 分類:Introduction to Computer Programming II (C++) | 用戶: (9.9k 分)
ID: 52068 - 從幾時開始: 無限制 - 到幾時結束: 無限制
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[正常] Coding (C++) - 最新提問 5月 17, 2018 分類:Introduction to Computer Programming II (C++) |
ID: 52070 - 從幾時開始: 2018-04-26 17:48 - 到幾時結束: 無限制
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