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Please write a program using an array to receive 5 numbers, then output those inputs in reverse order as examples shown.

Input (i)

1 2 3 4 5

Input (ii)



Output (i) acceptable


Output (ii) acceptable

5 4 3 2 1 


More information



[Exercise] Coding (C) - asked in Chapter 4: Arrays by (5.9k points)
ID: 35804 - Available when: Unlimited - Due to: Unlimited

17 Answers

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Hidden content!
#include * * ******
* * **
int main()
****** * * * * *** n = 4, c, d, a[100], b[100];
* * **
* ** * * ** * *
* * * * ** * *** (c = 0; c ** * n ; c++)
* * ** **** ** *** * *** * * ****** *** * * ** * * ** **
* **
* **** ** * *
* *
* ** *** *** * * * ** (c = n , d = 0; c * * * 0; c--, d++)
** ** ** * ***** * *** * * *** * * = a[c];
* * **
** *** * *
** *
* * * ***** * ** (c = 0; c *** n; c++)
********* * ***** * **** * = b[c];
** *
* * *** *** * * (c = 0; c * **** n; c++)
*** * * * ****** ** * ** * ** * * ** **** * * ** ** a[c]);
** **
* *** *** ** ** * * *
* * * * 0;
100/100 answered by (192 points)
0 0
Case 0: Correct output
Case 1: Wrong output
Case 2: Wrong output
Case 3: Correct output
Case 4: Wrong output
Case 5: Wrong output
0 like 0 dislike
Hidden content!
#include ** * ****
* ***
int main()
** * * * * * * n = 4, c, d, a[100], b[100];
* * ***
* ** ** ** *
* ****** ** ** * * (c = 0; c ** ** n ; c++)
** * *** * *** *** ****** ** ** * **** *****
* ** *
** ** * ** *****
* ** *
* ***** * ** ** (c = n , d = 0; c *** ** 0; c--, d++)
* ** ** ** * * * * ** * **** * = a[c];
* ** ** ** * *
*** *
***** * ** ****** (c = 0; c ** n; c++)
** * * ** * * * * * **** * ** = b[c];
* **
** * * **** * (c = 0; c ** ** n; c++)
*** * * ** *** ** *** *** ******* ** * ** * a[c]);
*** * *
** * ** * * *** ** * *
** * ** * *** ** 0;
100/100 answered by (183 points)
0 0
Case 0: Correct output
Case 1: Wrong output
Case 2: Wrong output
Case 3: Correct output
Case 4: Wrong output
Case 5: Wrong output
0 like 0 dislike
Hidden content!
int main(void)
***** * ** * ****** tab[5],i;
* * * * ** *** * * ** * *****
** ****** * * ****
** * ** **** ** * ** **** * * ** ** * *** ** * ** * ** ** * ****
*** * *** ** ** ** *** **
*** ** * **** ** * * ** (i=4;i>=0;i--)
* ** **** ** * * * *
* ** ** ** ** * * * ** *** * * ****** ** ** * **** ",tab[i]);
*** ** **** **** ** * *
* * * ***** * * * * * 0;
100/100 answered
0 0
Case 0: Wrong output
Case 1: Correct output
Case 2: Wrong output
Case 3: Wrong output
Case 4: Correct output
Case 5: Wrong output
0 like 0 dislike
Hidden content!
** **** **** * ***
* ** *** * ** ***** *

int main(){
* * **   int ** ** *
** * ***** *
** for(int * * * *
**** * ** * * * ** ** * * * * * * **
* ** }
100/100 answered by (244 points)
0 0
Case 0: Correct output
Case 1: Wrong output
Case 2: Wrong output
Case 3: Correct output
Case 4: Wrong output
Case 5: Wrong output
0 like 0 dislike
Hidden content!
#include * ** **** **
**** ** * **** * **

int main () {

* ******* * * *** n[5];
** *** *** * **** ** i,j;
** * ** ** *** ** * ** size=5;
* ** * ** * ** * * elements of array n to 0 */ * * **** * * * * ** **** ***** ***
******* * **** ** * ( i = 0; i < size; i++ ){
** **** ****** * **** ** ** * ** * * * * * * *** * *
* * * * ****
*** * ** * * *** * ****
* * * *** ** output each array ** value */

for(j = 4; * * ** j--){
* * ******* *** ** * * * * * ** ** **** *** * * *
** *** ** ** **

*** ** * * * * *
*** * * * * * * * **** * * ***** *** * * ** ** ** **
* * ** * * return 0;

*** ** * * *
100/100 answered by (221 points)
edited by
0 0
prog.c: In function 'main':
prog.c:16:13: warning: too many arguments for format [-Wformat-extra-args]
      printf("%d", j, x[j]);
0 0
ERROR:         printf("%d", j, x[j]);
0 0
prog.c:29:2: error: expected identifier or '(' before 'return'
  return 0;
prog.c:30:1: error: expected identifier or '(' before '}' token
0 0
Case 0: Correct output
Case 1: Wrong output
Case 2: Wrong output
Case 3: Correct output
Case 4: Wrong output
Case 5: Wrong output
0 like 0 dislike
Hidden content!
#include ** * ** ** **

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
** *** * ** *** ** ** a[5],i;
** * * * ****** ** *** * * *** ** ****** {
* * * ** *** * ** ********** ** ** * ** * * * * &a[i]);
*** * *** ** *** *
*** * ** * * ** * * ** * ** * * ** {
**** * * ***** * * * * ** **** * ** * * *** * * * ", a[i]);
**** * ** * * * * ** * *
100/100 answered by (273 points)
0 0
Case 0: Wrong output
Case 1: Correct output
Case 2: Wrong output
Case 3: Wrong output
Case 4: Correct output
Case 5: Wrong output
0 like 0 dislike
Hidden content!
#include ** **** * *
int main(){
* *** ** *** x[5], i;
*** ** ** *
* * *** * ** **
* ** * * ** ** * * * ** * *** ** &x[i]);
** * ****
*** * * ** * * *** * ** i--){
** * * ***** * ***** * ** * x[i]);
* * *** *
*** ** *
*** * * ** *** ** 0;
** * *****
100/100 answered by (254 points)
0 0
Case 0: Wrong output
Case 1: Wrong output
Case 2: Wrong output
Case 3: Wrong output
Case 4: Wrong output
Case 5: Wrong output
0 0
Case 0: Correct output
Case 1: Wrong output
Case 2: Wrong output
Case 3: Correct output
Case 4: Wrong output
Case 5: Wrong output
0 like 0 dislike
Hidden content!
int main(void)
** * * * ** * ** *** * tab[5],i;
**** ** ***** ****** * **
* *** *** * ** *** *
* ****** * * * * ** * * * * * * ** ***** ** ** *** *** ** **** ** * *
* * * * ***** ** *** **
** * *** **** * (i=4;i>=0;i--)
* * * *** * * *** ** * *
* ** ** *** **** ** ** * ** * ** **** * * ** *** ** ",tab[i]);
* ** *** * **** * *
*** * * * * ***** * * * 0;
100/100 answered by (283 points)
0 0
Case 0: Wrong output
Case 1: Correct output
Case 2: Wrong output
Case 3: Wrong output
Case 4: Correct output
Case 5: Wrong output
0 like 0 dislike
Hidden content!
#include **** *** *
** **
int main()
* * ** * **** n = 4, c, d, a[100], b[100];
* * *
*** ***
********* * *** (c = 0; c ** * n ; c++)
** * ***** *** ** * *** ** * * * ** *** * **** * * * ** * **
***** *
* * ** ** * * *
*** **** * * * * * * (c = n , d = 0; c * ** * * 0; c--, d++)
* *** ** *** * ** * * * **** = a[c];
** *
*** ** * * *
* * * * **** * ** (c = 0; c * ** n; c++)
* * * *** *** ** ******* * * = b[c];
* ** *** ** * * ** (c = 0; c * * * n; c++)
* * *** **** ** * ** ** * * * *** * * ***** a[c]);
* ** *
***** * * * ** ** **
*** ******* * ** * 0;
100/100 answered by (153 points)
0 0
Case 0: Correct output
Case 1: Wrong output
Case 2: Wrong output
Case 3: Correct output
Case 4: Wrong output
Case 5: Wrong output
0 like 0 dislike
Hidden content!
#include **** * ***
* * *
int main()
* **** **** ***** * n = 4, c, d, a[100], b[100];
** *** *
**** ****** * * *
** *** ***** ** * (c = 0; c ** ** n ; c++)
* ** **** * * * * *** ** * ** * * * ** * * *** * *** *
** * *
*** * *** **** *** *
** *
* * ** ** **** * (c = n , d = 0; c * * 0; c--, d++)
** * * ** * * ****** * * ** *** **** * * = a[c];
* *
** ** ** * ***
** *
* *** ** ** * * ** (c = 0; c n; c++)
** *** **** * * * *** * * ** ** *** * = b[c];
*** ***
** **
* ** * * * * * (c = 0; c *** ** n; c++)
* * *** ** ** **** ** ** ** ** * * * * * * * **** a[c]);
* ** *** * *
* * *** * * * 0;
100/100 answered by (268 points)
0 0
prog.c: In function 'main':
prog.c:26:3: warning: implicit declaration of function 'system' [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]
0 0
prog.c: In function 'main':
prog.c:25:3: warning: implicit declaration of function 'system' [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]
0 0
prog.c: In function 'main':
prog.c:25:3: warning: implicit declaration of function 'system' [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]
0 0
Case 0: Correct output
Case 1: Wrong output
Case 2: Wrong output
Case 3: Correct output
Case 4: Wrong output
Case 5: Wrong output
0 0
Case 0: Correct output
Case 1: Wrong output
Case 2: Wrong output
Case 3: Correct output
Case 4: Wrong output
Case 5: Wrong output
Welcome to Peer-Interaction Programming Learning System (PIPLS) LTLab, National DongHwa University
English 中文 Tiếng Việt

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