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Write a program that input a New Taiwan Dollar amount and then shows how to pay that amount using the small bills of $1000, $500, $100, $50, $10, $5 and $1.

將台幣現鈔換成1000, 500, 100, 50, 10, 1 元零錢

Example input:


Example output:

NT$1000 bills:0
NT$500 bills:1
NT$100 bills:2
NT$50 bills:1
NT$10 bills:1
NT$5 bills:0
NT$1 bills:3

Hint: Divide the amount by 1000 to determine the number of $1000 bills needed, and then reduce the amount by the total value of the $1000 bills. Repeat for the other bills sizes. Be sure to use integer values throughout, not floating-point numbers.

[Normal] Coding (C) - asked in Introduction to Computer Programming I (C) by (9.9k points)
ID: 25954 - Available when: Unlimited - Due to: Unlimited

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1 Answer

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Hidden content!
* * ** ** *** *
*** ***** int money, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l;
* ** ** * *** **** * * ** input Taiwan Dollar **** * *
** * ** * ** ** * * * * ** * * ****
*** * *** *********
*** * * * * ** *** ** * * bills: %d * **
* * ** * ** * * ** ** * *
***** ** * **
* ** *** ** * * bills: %d ***** *
* ** ***** *
* ** * * *** * * * *
** * * *** * * * bills: %d ** ****
** ** ** * *** *
*** *** * g=f/50;
* * ** ** ** * *** * ** bills: %d *** * ***
*** ** ** *
** * * * * ** i=h/10;
* * * **** * * *** bills: %d *** *
** * * * *** * *
******** * * * k=j/5;
* * * *** * * ** * ** bills: %d * * ** **
* * * * *
** ** ** * * **** **
* * * ** * * ** * * * ** * * **** bills: %d *** ** ***
* * ** * * else
** * ** * *** *** * * ** * ** bills: 0 * ***
* **
answered by (1.4k points)
0 0
prog.c:2:1: error: return type defaults to 'int' [-Werror=implicit-int]
cc1: all warnings being treated as errors
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English 中文 Tiếng Việt

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