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Please create a page with at least 20 kinds of different HTML tag and at least 20 kinds of different CSS property.

Please upload your HTML file when you
[Exercise] Essay (Open question) - asked in 2016-2 CSIEB0270 - Internet System Design and Practice by (18k points)
ID: 23499 - Available when: 2017-04-06 09:30:00 - Due to: 2017-04-06 12:10:00

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32 Answers

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Hidden content!
* * * *** **** * ** ** * **** * * *
answered by (-10 points)
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* **** *** * * * * * ** ** * ** * ** ******
answered by (-335 points)
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* *** * ***** * ** ******** ** *** * * **
answered by (157 points)
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** * *** ****** * * * *** *** ** * * ** * *
answered by (38 points)
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*** ** * ***** *** * **** * ** **** *** * *
answered by (60 points)
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** ** * **** * ** ** ** * * *** * **
answered by (-144 points)
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<!DOCTYPE html>
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<link ** * * ** **** href * * * **** *** ** *** **


<button * ** * * *** * * *** ** ** ** * * * ** *** ** ***** ** **** * **** ** * ** *


<textarea * **** ** ** *** ** *** **** **** *** * ******

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***** ** * * ** * **** AQUA
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* *** *** *

** * *
** * * * ** *
answered by (-14 points)
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* * * * * * ***** * ** **** * * **** * ** * **
answered by (-85 points)
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** ** ** * * * ** ** ** **** ** * *** * **
answered by (-2 points)
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Hidden content!
* * ** * ** * ** ** *** ** ** ** *** * * *
answered by (42 points)
Welcome to Peer-Interaction Programming Learning System (PIPLS) LTLab, National DongHwa University
English 中文 Tiếng Việt

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