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Write a program that prints a one-month calendar. The user specifies 2 numbers in the input:

- The number of days in the month

- The day of the week on which the month begins ( starting day of the week: 1=Sun;2=Mon;3=Tue;4=Wed;5=Thu;6=Fri;7=Sat)

寫一個程式 印出指定月份的月曆:

- 輸入一整數代表這個月有幾天

- 輸入一整數代表這個月一號星期幾 (1=星期天,2=星期一,...)

Example input:


Example output:

       1  2  3  4  5
 6  7  8  9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30 31

Hint: The most important part is a for statement that uses a variable i to count from 1 to n, where n is the number of days in a month, printing each value of i.   Inside the loop, an if statement tests whether i is the last day in a week; if so, it prints a newline.

[Exercise] Coding (C) - asked in Chapter 6: Loops by (5.2k points)
ID: 31047 - Available when: 2017-11-09 18:00 - Due to: Unlimited

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71 Answers

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#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main()
* *** * *** ** * ** i, j, days, start;

* ** ** **** * * *** ** ** *** **** ** &days);
* *** * * ** ******* ** *** *** * * * ** &start);

** ** * * * * *** ** ** * ** = 1; j < start; j++)
*** *** * ** * * **
* * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * ** ** ** ** * * * * * ** * ***
* ** * * *** * *** * * *

* * * * ****** ** * ***** * = 1; i <= days; i++)
****** * ** *** * * ***
****** * * ** * **** * * * * ** * * ** ** ***** * * * i);
** * ** ** *** * * *** * ** *** * * *** * ** **** + i - 1) % 7 == 0)
* ** ********* *** * * * * *** *** * * * *** * * ******** ** * ** ** * ******
** * *** *** ** *** ** ** *** **** ** * * if(i < days)
* ** * *** * * * **** * ** *** *** * * ** **** *** * * **** * *** ");
** ** * **** ** * * ** *

* * *** * * *** * ** * ** 0;
answered by (5.2k points)
0 0
Case 0: Correct output
Case 1: Correct output
Case 2: Correct output
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